Uranian Astrology, Cosmobiology, Midpoints, Symmetrical, Hamburg Schule School, Witte, Ebertin


~  for Steve Lee's Email Lists

© copyright 2001

This statement includes complaints that an email list 
member may have against: 

1.  Another member 

2.  The Moderator 

3.  A group or organization 

4.  The list policy, astrological standards or focus, 
     and philosophical or spiritual considerations.


+++ What you need to do if you have a complaint against: 


a)   A good place to start is to ask yourself  "What was actually intended by the person that you have a problem with?" Often cultural differences and limitations of email-as-communication distort the message. In the first case, it is often wise to (politely) ask for clarification from the person, rather than to launch into an angry attack. By giving the person time to reconsider their post, they often will see it differently and will make amends.  It is also helpful to send the offensive post to another list member or friend to ask for their perception, before you take action. It is also helpful to wait a day or two: it may be your problem, e.g. Mc=Ma=Ne=Pl, etc. 

b) If the complaint involves a group post with astrological or other factual material, you should debate or discuss this in a polite and respectful manner, preferably via group mail. Include the section/s of text (from the person you have a complaint against) and make specific reference to what you have a problem with; that is, do not make sweeping statements without providing the text that concerns you. 

c)   If the complaint involves a group post with personal criticism, character defamation, or other disrespectful language, then you are not allowed to continue the argument via group mail. See the Policy rules. If you choose to carry on the argument via private mail, I would strongly advise you not to be disrespectful, rude or to show your anger; it is often best not to respond at all. Include the section/s of text (from the person you have a complaint against) and make specific reference to what you have a problem with; that is, do not make sweeping statements without providing the text that concerns you. 

d)  If the complaint involves a group post with personal criticism, character defamation, or other disrespectful language, it is suggested that you send a copy of the offending material to the list moderator by private mail. Clearly indicate the passages that concern you, and add your comments as appropriate. Be polite and civil. If you would like the moderator to send a suitable letter to the person involved, or to the group, then please state this - however, the moderator usually will not to do this as it often only inflames the issue. Note: there may be other complaints in the moderator's file about the same person; in such cases the moderator may choose to unsubscribe the member or to limit their posting. 

e)  If the complaint involves private mail and not group mail, then basically it is your concern and does not involve the group. Sometimes members will send copies of such private mail to the moderator: this is your decision entirely but in special circumstances it may be relevant if seen in the wider context. It is best if you deal with the situation yourself by following the advice above. 

f)  Errors of judgment:  We humans are not perfect. All of us make mistakes. If you have made a mistake it is best to admit it and apologize, either by group or private mail or both.  People often are influenced by Neptune, Mars, etc., so unless it may be best to ignore the issue altogether, especially if it is "out of character" for the person in question. 

g)  Right of Reply:  As the list Policy rules state, you do not have a "right of reply". That is, if someone criticizes you or otherwise disturbs you, then do not use the list to "fight back". Instead, use the advice above. 


+++ What you need to do if you have a complaint against: 


a)  Send a private email to the moderator stating your concern. Do this in a civil, diplomatic and polite manner, and include the offending text or explain the situation by stating the facts, without first giving your perceptions, opinions or assumptions.  Ask for a clarification of the matter. If you make demands, or include rude, blunt or otherwise disrespectful language, your letter will be rejected and you may be subject to losing your membership. After you have stated the above points, if appropriate, include your perception of the problem (but it may be best to wait until you get a clarification first).  ...See point b)… 

b)  What was actually intended by the moderator? It is a good idea to ask this! Often cultural differences and limitations of email-as- communication distort the message. The moderator receives a considerable amount of material that is not available to group members (see the next point), so you need to be aware that your complaint may not place the offensive items in their proper context (this is usually the case). Misunderstandings are prevalent in this human life of ours. Like you, the moderator is human and therefore is not perfect. All of us make mistakes. If the moderator has made a mistake, or if there is a misunderstanding, then a suitable explanation will be made either by group or private mail or both. 

c)  Confidentiality:  all correspondence between the moderator and a member (within this context) is confidential and is not to be posted or shared unless stated otherwise. This restriction is placed on the moderator as well as the list member. Permission must be granted before such communication is forwarded or copied. 

d)  Group mail is not to be used for complaints against the moderator, policy, criticism of other members, or other matters not aligned with the Group Policy. This includes questions of a controversial, critical or inflammatory nature. If a member breaches this rule and causes disruption, they may be removed as a member even if they "forget to change the email address" from group to private mail. 

e)  Errors of judgment:  The moderator is human and therefore is not perfect. All of us make mistakes, and misunderstandings are especially prevalent in international groups such as ours. If the moderator has made a mistake, or if there is a misunderstanding, then a suitable explanation will be made either by group or private mail or both. The moderator receives a considerable amount of material that is not available to group members, so you need to be aware that your complaint may not place the offensive items in their proper context (this is usually the case). 

f)  If you believe that you have been treated unfairly, (perhaps your group mail has been rejected or you have been removed as a member), you may send a private email to the moderator re-stating your concerns. It is very important that you do this in a civil, diplomatic and polite manner, and include the offending text or explain the situation by stating the facts, without first giving your perceptions, opinions or assumptions.  Ask for a clarification of the matter. If you make demands, or include rude, blunt or otherwise disrespectful language, your letter will be rejected and subsequent emails from you will be deleted without being opened. It is wise to contemplate the points above about "Errors of Judgment" - with respect to yourself as well as with the moderator. 

g)  Waiting for a reply:  A well-written letter usually takes a considerable amount of time to create, especially so if the matter in question involves a complex, detailed or lengthy issue. You need to be patient. In most cases a reply will be made within five days. If your complaint is rejected, you will be told so; therefore do not assume that a non-response indicates a negative conclusion. If you do not receive a response and have followed this Complaints Procedure, then simply resend your letter. 

h)  If your mail is being moderated or has been rejected, or if you are removed as a member, it is important for you to know that such decisions are not done without good reasons! The bottom line is this: if you breach the list Policy rules, or are rude or disrespectful to another member or to the moderator, you will meet with the consequences. The moderator has little time for such nonsense. Unkind and inconsiderate behaviour will not be tolerated. However, remember to see point f) above: "If you believe that you have been treated unfairly…" 


+++ What you need to do if you have a complaint against: 


a)  Contact the group or organization first, before airing your complaints on the list. Use the telephone if emails do not give a response. Repeat your request two or three times and try more than one person if the organization is large. 

b)  If you do not get a response, then use the list to post a question about the group or organization, to see if other members can help you to understand the situation. Do not use the list to post a complaint unless you have substantial evidence (that you can share with the group). When criticizing a group or organization, it is usually best to use words such as: "it seems to me",  "in my opinion - based on what I know",  "I have heard but cannot confirm",  etc. 

c) Note: A "group or organization" will usually involve an astrological association, research group, software company, or another email list. It could also include groups in the news, such as political parties or governmental agencies. 


+++ What you need to do if you have a complaint against: 


a)  If you have a complaint about the list policy, send a private email to the moderator as detailed above. Do not use group mail. The moderator may choose to open a group discussion on your concerns, but this will have to be considered carefully. Please realize that the policy has been carefully created with much experience and feedback from group members, since Oct 1997. 

b)  If you have a complaint about the focus (main aims) of the list, first read our list Policy and refer to the Symmetrical Astrology web site for basic information. Then send a private email to the moderator as detailed above. Do not use group mail. The moderator may choose to open a group discussion on your concerns, but this will have to be considered carefully. Please realize that the aim of our list has been carefully created with much experience and feedback from group members, since Oct 1997. 

c)  If you have a complaint about philosophical or spiritual matters, and if you wish to post this as group mail, then you must include substantial astrological material as well. My advice is not to use the group to air such complaints. If you go against the group Policy rules, you may lose posting privileges or membership. 


+++ What you need to do if you have a complaint: 


It is unlikely that the situation will change unless you own up to the problem. Unless there was a gross misunderstanding or error by the moderator, you did in fact breach the list Policy. If the moderator is in some way at fault, then the situation can be resolved with care and consideration. He actually is not an ogre and is very reasonable and considerate if you are as well. 

In most cases however, you will have done something wrong and it probably centers on rude, impolite, arrogant or disrespectful language.  If you tolerate such language then take notice that the moderator does not! Some people seem to be unaware of the disruption that they cause, even after being removed from other lists, or after being sent repeated reminders of how they break the list rules. If you want to gain back the privileges that you lost, then you need to send an appropriate, conciliatory letter. 

If you are unable to change your way of communicating then you are free to go to another list. If you use language that is arrogant, rude, disrespectful, impolite, etc., then please unsubscribe from this list and all communication with the moderator. Perhaps you need a list that allows you to express yourself the way you want, how you want, when you want. Before you go, please consider the following sentence:

Not every person will feel content with our List Policy and Complaints Procedure ~ but the majority understand that these guidelines exist to enable the free exchange of information, mutual respect and international cooperation.

If you are willing to engage in friendly discussion, with an open heart and mind, and a willingness to share and assist others on their astrological, personal and spiritual journey, then please stay with us. We need you. 


See also the Group Policy at:    https://junojuno2.tripod.com/policy.html

The moderator welcomes constructive input on this matter. 

Your views are important. 

A sincere "Thank you" to all members who have co-operated in a positive manner. 
Your contribution is valuable and much appreciated. 

Steve Lee
15 October 2001 

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