The Magic of Midpoints
'Mini Lesson'
With Steve Lee

Welcome to Steve Lee's free midpoint lessons!
These lessons are intended as preparatory material for the Online College
of Astrology's lecture, and also for astrologers visiting my web site.
There are eight pages associated with these lessons. You can probably complete
these pages in about 25 minutes, but then most of my students tend to get
carried away with interest and enthusiasm... this midpoint material can
get you hooked... :-))
If you would like to read what students have
said about Steve's midpoint lessons, read their comments here:
We will begin with the
charts of Muhammad Ali, the great heavyweight boxer, and Eleanor Roosevelt,
wife of USA President Franklin Roosevelt. These free lessons also include
the charts of Mother Theresa, Adolf Hitler, and Paul Simon.
Before we do this however,
here is more information about the
Su/Mo midpoint. According to Ebertin, the Su/Mo denotes
the following characteristics: Spirit and soul; vitality and feeling;
marriage, friendship, parents or partners; success or difficulties with
the public or relationships depending on one's inner balance. It
is important to keep this description in mind during these lessons since
all charts will focus on the Su/Mo.
Knowing this description,
plus your own ideas of what the Sun and the Moon represent as individual
energies, here is a question for you. Which of our
two people (Muhammad Ali or Eleanor Roosevelt) would have a prominent placing
of Venus on the Su/Mo? Pluto? Ali was a very powerful
person, and not just in a physical sense. He also made some great changes
in his life such as becoming a Muslim. Eleanor Roosevelt was First
Lady from 1933 to 1945 and in this position she was widely respected and
loved. Enough hints?
When we find a hard
aspect to a midpoint (45, 90, 180, 0 degrees)
we express it this way: Ve
= Su/Mo
or Pl
= Su/Mo
We call these "planetary pictures".
In other words, the question
for you to answer is:
Which of the above planetary pictures belongs
to Ali, and which one for Roosevelt ?
One last thing before
we begin. You'll need to keep an open mind so that new methods can
enter, OK? The charts that you are about to see are going to look
very different. Let's begin...
To find the answer and to see the charts, click
Be sure to check in to my lecture at
The Online College of Astrology
Sunday 30 May, 1999
9:00 PM EDT - (New York)
6:00 PM PDT - (California)
1:00 PM New Zealand Time, Monday 31 May
11:00 AM Australian Eastern Time, Monday 31 May
This lecture will be available on the OCA site (as text) after
the lecture.
The Online College of Astrology