Hades/ Moon / 7th House
The Hades crossing your 7th, etc. also
can mean relationships that
'deteriorate' and/or relationships
with 'down and outers' of some kind
-- i.e. poverty stricken, chronically
ill, depressed, or stuck-in-the-past partners.
However, it ALSO
can mean that your 'relationship' with each other can
'bring out the past'
in both of you, as you mentioned (especially probably as it
aspected your Moon.) I would guess that
'doing research' together, if
that's what part of your partnership with
2nd boyfriend was/is about,
would be a positive manifestation.
Hades can also bring out elements of shame, embarrassment
and feeling
demeaned, etc, through others.
[ More material on the Moon / Hades is welcome. -
Steve ]